by DC Jobs with Justice | Jan 21, 2014 | Actions & Events, Campaigns
In case you missed it: DC Jobs with Justice, Respect DC and a large, diverse coalition of workers, community organizations, labor unions, faith groups, and businesses won two historic victories for workers’ rights in the District. After years of pushing for...
by dcjwjeditor | Feb 13, 2013 | Actions & Events, Trabajadores Unidos de DC / United Workers of DC, Wage Theft
On Wednesday, February 6, three former workers of two popular restaurants in Georgetown won a combined $4,237 in unpaid wages. After many months of struggling for their pay, the workers returned to the restaurant with more than 50 allies from the community, who stood...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Jan 14, 2012 | Grassroots Leadership Education Project, Projects
by Andrew Willis Garcés and Mackenzie Baris, with contributions by many others Read previous reports: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 rn INDEX+ 2011 SNAPSHOT + Education & Youth + Gender Justice + Police & Criminal Justice + Immigrant Rights & Language Justice+...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Mar 24, 2009 | Building Black-Brown Unity, Projects
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:rnMarch 25, 2009rnrnContact:rnAlbert Honegan: 202-739-1357 (DC Language Access Coalition)rnRuth Castel-Branco: 202-489-2273 (DC Jobs with Justice) rnrnDC COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS HOLD FORUM ON BUILDING UNITY BETWEEN BLACK AND BROWN...