by DC Jobs with Justice | Jul 12, 2010 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
The Reserve Restaurant at 15th and L NW looks swanky from the outside, but behind the scenes workers claim the owner has been cheating them of their fair wages. rnrnFive former employees came to DC Jobs with Justice after being unable to claim close to $10,000 in back...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Oct 3, 2009 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
Day laborers in DC scored another big victory on October 2nd: recovering over $10,000 in stolen wages for eight workers. Several members of the Union de Trabajadores de Washington, DC, a day laborer association, had been doing work on a DC public school building over...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Sep 2, 2009 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
This year more than 70 area churches, synagogues, and mosques are planning special services to honor workers over Labor Day weekend as part of the annual Labor in the Pulpits, Labor on the Bimah, and Labor on the Minbar program.rnrnPlanned programs include a range of...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Jul 14, 2009 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
For the past 8 years, congregations around the DC metropolitan area, and around the country, have been participated in Labor in the Pulpit, Labor on the Bimah, Labor on the Minbar program as a way of remembering God’s call to pursue justice, honoring people’s...
by DC Jobs with Justice | May 13, 2009 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
Local faith leaders gathered at Israel Baptist Church Tuesday for an Interfaith Worker Justice of Greater Washington seminar focused on helping congregations support members of their communities impacted by the economic crisis. The 15 participants shared experiences...