by DC Jobs with Justice | Oct 24, 2012 | Campaigns, Press, Walmart: Respect DC
Coalition says developer does not deserve Developer of the Year Award when their projects are harming communities and displacing residents. WASHINGTON, D.C., October 24 – Calling for an end to development that has been bringing low wage, part time jobs and displacing...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Mar 24, 2009 | Building Black-Brown Unity, Projects
On Saturday, March 28th, workers, tenants, organizers, parents and children from all walks of life will gather for an all-day city wide forum on racism, immigration and class in the District of Columbia. The all-day forum titled “Facing What Divides Us: building...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Apr 4, 2008 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
In response to news that Safeway and Giant were trying to cut back health and pension benefits for 23,000 grocery workers in DC, MD and VA represented by the UFCW Local 400, local faith leaders sprung into action. In addition to spreading the word to their...