by DC Jobs with Justice | Mar 24, 2009 | Building Black-Brown Unity, Projects
On Saturday, March 28th, workers, tenants, organizers, parents and children from all walks of life will gather for an all-day city wide forum on racism, immigration and class in the District of Columbia. The all-day forum titled “Facing What Divides Us: building...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Mar 24, 2009 | Building Black-Brown Unity, Projects
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:rnMarch 25, 2009rnrnContact:rnAlbert Honegan: 202-739-1357 (DC Language Access Coalition)rnRuth Castel-Branco: 202-489-2273 (DC Jobs with Justice) rnrnDC COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS HOLD FORUM ON BUILDING UNITY BETWEEN BLACK AND BROWN...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Jul 18, 2008 | Building Black-Brown Unity, Projects
rnrnFor many years Latinos, African Americans and people of African descent have lived in the same communities, residing in the same apartment buildings, working the same types of jobs and sharing the same struggle! rnrnYet too often our language, nationality and...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Apr 18, 2007 | Projects, Student Labor Outreach Project
Members of George Washington University’s Progressive Student Union hosted a Worker Appreciation Dinner on April 18th to thank the professors, cleaning and maintenance workers, and food service workers who make their education possible. More than 20 workers...