by DC Jobs with Justice | Jun 18, 2020 | Actions & Events
Juneteenth (June 19th) is a day that honors Black freedom and Black resistance, and centers Black people’s unique contribution to the struggle for justice in the U.S. This Juneteenth is a rare moment for our communities to proclaim in one voice that Black Lives...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Jun 16, 2020 | Actions & Events
In the last two weeks, millions have taken to the street in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and countless other Black people who have been killed at the hands of vigilantes or law enforcement. The explosion of protest is in response to a pattern of...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Jun 12, 2020 | Actions & Events
We are very excited to announce that DC JWJ will be working on and supporting a few exciting new campaigns. Are you interested in getting plugged into these new campaigns? Make sure you sign up to volunteer with us. And be sure your organization supports as well. We...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Jun 3, 2020 | Actions & Events
Statement from Elizabeth Falcon, Executive Director, DC Jobs With Justice on the experience of DC primary voters Yesterday, I watched as voters in my neighborhood precinct, Emory Recreation Center, stood in line for hours. Wait times for residents who arrived after...
by DC Jobs with Justice | May 13, 2020 | Actions & Events
This past week DC Jobs with Justice worked with community leaders and policy experts to demand that DC prioritize workers and tenants in the reopening process. Our demands included: Justice for Excluded Workers There are tens of thousands of workers in the District...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Apr 28, 2020 | Actions & Events
Meet Eliana Rondon, DC JWJ’s newest organizer! Volunteering in the community for almost twelve years has given me a wide range of experiences. My years of volunteering and working for nonprofit organizations consist of advocacy, youth welfare, community support,...