The Patient Protection Act is legislation before the DC Council to ensure that patients get the best care possible when they need it through safe staffing.
Please join DC nurses, patients and community allies to encourage the Council’s Committee on Health to schedule a hearing for May 16 for the Patient Protection Act, and a mark-up soon after.
Please call Health Committee Chairwoman Yvette Alexander’s office to urge her to schedule the hearing on Thursday, May 16. Her number is 202.741.0910. The message should be:
We appreciate your leadership on the Patient Protection Act. As you know, NAME OF ORGANIZATION strongly support the Patient Protection Act, and we know that this legislation will drastically improve patient care and save the lives of DC residents. In order for the bill to get marked up and through the full council by the July 15 recess, we are counting on you to exercise leadership by scheduling the hearing on the bill for May 16, and scheduling a mark-up by early June. This is a life and death matter for tens of thousands of DC residents who need to have safe patient care when they or a loved one is in the hospital.
Reinforcing calls to Bonds, Grosso and Orange would also be helpful to encourage them to weigh in with Ms. Alexander as soon as possible.
Thank you again for your support for this landmark piece of legislation. We are going to need to redouble our efforts to make sure our elected officials move swiftly to pass the bill into law