Come relive your childhood Halloween memories with the Paid Sick Days for All campaign, and trick or treat for a healthy DC. On October 31, from 6 to 9 PM, restaurant workers, activists, young folks and not so young will be coming together and hitting the streets among the throngs of trick-or-treaters. But instead of asking for candy, we’ll be asking our friends and neighbors in Petworth to sign our petition to ensure that all workers in DC have access to paid sick days (well, we might ask from some candy, too!).
We want to let our neighbors know that not everyone in the city can take a day off when they get sick. Nearly 80% of DC’s restaurant workers cannot earn any paid sick leave, and as a result, almost 60% of restaurant workers have come to work sick. No one should be forced to choose between paying the bills and taking care of their health. We’ll meet all together, get dressed up like sick chefs and waiters and then go out and do some trick-or-treat canvassing of our own! At the end of the night, we’ll come back together, feast on our candy, and celebrate Halloween. This is a family friendly event, and we encourage people of all ages to come out for it. No need to worry about how to transform yourself into a diseased server- we have costumes covered. RSVP now using the link below and we’ll send you more details shortly!
Questions? Please contact Naomi Iser call (202) 645-5364.