July 10th was a historic day for D.C. as the DC City Council stood strong against Walmart’s bullying and threats and voted 8-5 to ensure that big box retail jobs will be good jobs for D.C. workers. Every retailer with over $1 billion in revenue and stores over 75,000 square feet will have to pay a living wage of $12.50 to their D.C. employees. Now, the fate of the LIVING WAGE BILL is in the hands of DC Mayor Gray.
Click here to contact Mayor Vincent Gray NOW and tell him to sign the LIVING WAGE BILL!
The DC City Council showed it would not be bullied and intimidated by Walmart’s attempt at political blackmail. Eight city council members, Phil Mendelson, Vincent Orange, David Grosso, Anita Bonds, Jim Graham, Jack Evans, Kenyan McDuffie, and Marion Barry held strong against Walmart’s threats and cast their votes in favor of the Large Retail Accountability Act.
Tell the Mayor to stand with us NOW.