by DC Jobs with Justice | Apr 4, 2008 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
In response to news that Safeway and Giant were trying to cut back health and pension benefits for 23,000 grocery workers in DC, MD and VA represented by the UFCW Local 400, local faith leaders sprung into action. In addition to spreading the word to their...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Mar 12, 2008 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
rnWhile many of their fellow students were off carousing sun-drenched beaches in time-honored Spring Break tradition, nine Georgetown students rallied and leafleted in DC as part of an Alternative Spring Break program called “Worker Justice DC.”...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Aug 29, 2007 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
rn rnrnrn___Weds, August 29____rnrnrn rnrnrn rn rn rn rn Third Church of Christ, Scientistrn rn rn Noon, 7:30 pmrn rn rn 900 16th St., NWrn rn rn Washington, DCrn rn rn rn rn J. Darrow Kirkpatrick will lead testimony services including scripturalrn readings on labor....
by DC Jobs with Justice | Aug 29, 2007 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
More than 50 churches and synagogues across the DC Metro area will be holding special programs and services this weekend and later in September as part of the Labor in the Pulpits and Labor on the Bimah programs. rnrnCongregations will honor labor and raise awareness...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Jul 23, 2007 | Interfaith Worker Justice, Projects
For the past 6 years, congregations around the DC metro area, and around the country, have been using Labor Day as an opportunity to remember God’s call to pursue justice, to honor people’s labor and to recall the religious traditions that dignify and celebrate...