There’s A LOT you can do to fight with us to restore funding to United Medical Center between now and May 28. Take action now!
Sign the Petition and share it with your friends: https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/restore-funding-for-united
RSVP for the rally on May 28th at 9:00 at the Wilson Building: https://actionnetwork.org/events/rally-for-umc
Follow @DCHJCoalition on Twitter and retweet
Join the rally event on Facebook and invite your friends: https://www.facebook.com/events/363179434302494/
Email or call (all) your councilmembers with this message:
The DC Council has done a huge disservice to the residents of Washington, DC in the May 14 budget vote by severely limiting funds to United Medical Center. UMC is the only hospital open outside of Northwest, DC and the Council’s actions in the Fiscal Year 2020 budget threaten the hospital’s ability to serve patients and meet the health needs of the neighboring communities. This dangerous action must be reversed in the second reading of the DC budget.Send your email with a personal story to:
DC Council Chair: Phil Mendelson – pmendelson@dccouncil.us
At Large Councilmembers
o CM David Grosso dgrosso@dccouncil.us
o CM Anita Bonds – abonds@dccouncil.us
o CM Robert White – rwhite@dccouncil.us
o CM Elissa Silverman – esilverman@dccouncil.us
Ward Councilmembers
o CM Brianne Nadeau, Chair – bnadeau@dccouncil.us;
o CM Jack Evans – jevans@dccouncil.us
o CM Mary Cheh – mcheh@dccouncil.us
o CM Brandon Todd – btodd@dccouncil.us
o CM Kenyan McDuffie – kmcduffie@dccouncil.us
o CM Charles Allen callen@dccouncil.us
o CM Vincent Gray – vgray@dccouncil.us
o CM Trayon White – twhite@dccouncil.us;