At the DC Jobs with Justice Winter Cabaret on December 15, 2012, Rob Walton and Walmart were crowned the Scrooge of the Year.
Dozens of labor leaders, community members, students, and faith leaders turned out for the 2012 Winter Cabaret. Participants were entertained by the Option Pearls Drill team, DJ Uncle Sonny, and the Hula Huskers. Volunteers graciously donated plenty of treats for the participants to snack on. At 11pm the moment of truth came when the the Scrooge of the Year was crowned.
It was a tight race between Verizon Vice President/Darden Board Member Clarence Otis and opponent Rob Walton and Walmart. However in the end Walton and Walmart pulled out ahead of the pack and won the title. DC Jobs with Justice Board and Staff would like to thank everyone who participated in the fundraiser.
The reason we are able to do good work in the community is through the supporters like you!