by DC Jobs with Justice | Mar 7, 2017
We started the Solidarity Squad as an action team to give people a way to fight back against the federal government officials and corporations newly emboldened to attack our communities.
by DC Jobs with Justice | Apr 7, 2015
Building Benefits is a network of tenants working in downtown office buildings in DC. We support the efforts by janitors, security officers, and parking attendants in our buildings to win better pay, benefits, and working conditions by using our power as tenants....
by DC Jobs with Justice | Apr 7, 2015
Facing What Divides Us: Building Unity Across Cultures For more than half a century, Washington, DC has served as a magnet for people fleeing economic and national oppression. The 1940s saw tens of thousands of African Americans migrate to D.C. in search of...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Apr 7, 2015
The Grassroots Leadership Education Project is an initiative from DC Jobs with Justice designed to strengthen local organizing and build power among working people in the District of Columbia. List of Trainings for 2013 MONTH LOCATION TOPIC TRAINER March 21...
by DC Jobs with Justice | Apr 7, 2015
Interfaith Worker Justice is a diverse group of people of faith, both clergy and laity, who seek to make a difference in the economic well being of our communities in the Washington, DC area. We work to educate our faith communities about issues affecting working...