DC Jobs With Justice is looking for an enthusiastic individual to join our team! The ideal candidate will excel at developing and implementing strategic campaigns, building and maintaining relationships, and building consensus among diverse stakeholders with different priorities to enable effective work together on a common goal. This person will be a team player, excited about the role of unions and coalitions in social change, and committed to justice in Washington, DC.
We are currently listing two positions – one full time and one part time – in order to reach a wide diversity of candidates with varying availability. We will only fill one position. The part time position will have the option to work full time with DC JWJ after three months.
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Please send a cover letter, resume, and three professional references with emails and phone numbers to jobs@dcjwj.org .
DC Jobs With Justice is an equal opportunity employer. We strongly encourage people of color, women, LGBTQ, and differently-abled people to apply.