***Repost from Jobs with Justice National WebsiternrnAcross the JwJ network, union and community activists continue to escalate pressure on Verizon to do the right thing and negotiate a fair contract with members of the Communications Workers of America. Last August the contract expired for 45,000 workers on the east coast. Verizon has been demanding huge concessions from workers on wages, job security, health care, and retirement.rnrnLast week, JwJ coalitions in 9 cities did delegations to managers at local Verizon Wireless store to deliver a letter signed by 150 community leaders as part of the national Spring of Discontent kick-off to demand corporate accountability.rnrnThen on Thursday, Feb. 9th, members of Occupy DC and other student and community activists shook things up with a creative flash mob at the Verizon Wireless store inside DC’s grand Union Station. Julia Kann, a reporter with the Metro Washington Council’s Union City newsletter, offered the following eye-witness report: “The unexpected sounds of brass instruments echoed through Union Station last night as commuters turned to watch an unusual gathering in front of the Verizon store. Over a dozen young people donned protective medical face masks and — accompanied by a live band — broke into a fully-choreographed dance to Bell Biv Davoe’s “Poison,” adapting the lyrics to “Verizon’s poison” as they critiqued Verizon’s continued unwillingness to negotiate fairly with its workers.”rnrn“I’m tired of corporations using their power against the workers of this country,” Sam Nelson, a George Washington student working with DC Student Labor Action Project, told Union City. “It should be the responsibility of the consumer to stand side by side with the worker when the worker’s livelihood is threatened.” Sam is one of several George Washington University students who have been participating in leafleting and community delegations to Verizon Wireless stores.rnrnNext up, activists across the country will be telling Verizon to quit breaking their hearts with special Valentine’s Day card deliveries pointing out that Verizon is giving sweetheart deals to its CEO but is asking workers to give up job security, affordable health care, and decent retirements. Keep up-to-date on the struggle by visiting this link.