Former director of American Rights at Work, Mary Beth Maxwell (left); ACLU-NCA Executive Director Johnny Barnes; The Justice at Wings Campaign and Fair Budget Coalition’s Kristi Matthews will be this year’s awardees for the 2010 DC Jobs with Justice “I’ll Be There Awards.†The annual awards ceremony – which will take place on June 10th – honors individuals and organizations for exceptional solidarity work in the Metro DC area. rnrn“This year we’re hoping to raise $20,000 from our ad book and the good news is we’re getting there,” says Roger Newell, Chair of DC Jobs with Justice. “The program book is filling up fast, but it’s not too late to place an ad.” rnrnThis year DC JwJ has many victories to celebrate and struggles to commemorate, including the Wage Theft Campaign, which has recovered more than $15,000 in unpaid wages; the launch of Take Back DC, a coalition led by labor and community allies, to protect the public sector and hold elected officials accountable; the Justice at Wings Strike, which is demanding living wage, benefits, fairness, and dignity for reinforcing ironworkers at Wings Enterprises; and the introduction of legislation to prevent the implementation of the Secure Communities program, a national deportation program. rnrnFor more information, and to place an ad in the program book, contact Ruth Castel-Branco at 202-974-8281.
Award Recipients Announced For 2010 “I’ll Be There Awards”
by DC Jobs with Justice | May 19, 2010 | Projects | 0 comments