Congratulations to the 2018 honorees at the I’ll Be There Awards! We are so excited to celebrate them with all of you! Be sure to join us on November 15, from 5:30 – 8:30 at All Souls Church, 1500 Harvard St NW.
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The 2018 I’ll Be There Awardees:
Special Award: Office of the Attorney General
This year, the Office of the Attorney General under the leadership of Karl Racine has taken action protecting workers by suing businesses with a pattern of wage theft, including Power Design, Inc. on behalf of over 500 workers; preserving DC’s housing stock by suing companies illegally utilizing housing as permanent short-term rentals; clarifying the union protections after the Janus v. AFSCME decision and more.
Labor: AFSCME Council 20 AMR Campaign
The EMS professionals at American Medical Response (AMR) ambulance service in Washington, D.C., recently ratified their first contract after organizing with EMS Workers United/AFSCME District Council 20 last year.
Faith: Campaign to combat high DC Water fees
This coalition of congregations worked with community and labor leaders to raise the issue of astronomically high water bills that threaten the financial stability of DC’s most vital institutions, including many predominantly Black churches.
Student: HU Resist
HU Resist has been a new student force in Washington, DC including speaking out against wage theft at Howard’s construction sites, giving needed supplies to people experiencing homelessness, and protesting substandard student housing.
Community: Metro DSA’s community campaigns
The Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America have launched numerous community campaigns: Stomp Out Slumlords campaign to keep District residents in their homes; direct action against immigration policies of ICE at the Fairfax ICE detention center and where ICE leaders live and recreate; and more.
Culture: Luci Murphy
Luci Murphy has a voice and a presence known to all DC activists! She is a tireless fighter – and singer – for movements across the District and around the world.