DC Jobs with Justice supports the Real Food Real Jobs campaign and our city’s university food service workers who are crucial to every college campus.

Students, residents, government workers, university community members and food workers are organizing to create more sustainable food and jobs here in Washington, DC. A just and sustainable food system is critical for the future of our planet, the health of our communities, the well-being of food system workers, and all of our families.

Real Food Real Jobs, a project of food service workers’ union UNITE HERE, recognizes that food service workers have a critical role to play in changing a dysfunctional and harmful food system. Food service workers want to use their skills to cook real food for students and others in their communities. Workers also want to provide the same to their own families: but to do so, food workers, who bear the brunt of our broken food system through high rates of food insecurity, poverty and food-related illnesses, need sustainable jobs.

Members of UNITE HERE Local 23 are uniting with students, professors, community members and food activists across DC to call on our leading institutions to act in accordance with the principles or real food, real jobs, and accountable institutions.


Take Action

Sign the Real Food Real Jobs pledge!