Evictions, Utilities and Homeless Services

KYR_ Housing

DC Council passed laws to protect tenants and people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 emergency.


Changes to the law can be found on page 17 of the COVID-19 Response Temporary Amendment Act of 2020

Evictions are prohibited during the state of emergency. Late fees cannot be charged on rent during any month for which there is a public health emergency.

All eviction proceedings have been suspended through May 1st by the court. 


Electric, water, and gas cannot be disconnected during the health crisis and until 15 days after the state of emergency ends.

Homeless Services

DC has closed in-person intake for the family shelter system. Anyone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness can do an intake using the 24-hour Shelter Hotline at: (202) 399-7093

DC is also allowing interim eligibility to be expanded during the state of emergency. Interim eligibility means you can be placed in shelter without providing all of the required documentation. This will allow families to be placed without presenting documents. 

If you have issues accessing family shelter, please contact Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless at 202-328-5500

Public Housing

DCHA has stopped all evictions until further notice.
All in-person meetings and appointments have been cancelled. DCHA is only carrying out initial inspections and emergency health and safety inspections.
For reductions in household income related to COVID-19, send an email to hcvpcovid19interim@dchousing.org with your name address and contact phone number and someone contact you within two business days.
Send general inquiries to covid19@dchousing.org. That address is being monitored and replies
will be sent within 24-36 hours.