Who We Are
DC Jobs with Justice is a dynamic coalition of labor organizations, community groups, faith-based organizations, and student groups dedicated to protecting the rights of working people, supporting community struggles, and promoting racial justice to build a more just society.
Workers rights are civil rights. We are committed to the creation of living wage jobs, support of economic and social justice here and abroad, and maintaining pressure to demand corporate accountability in our communities, and creating a fair and just future for communities of color.
In its work, DC Jobs with Justice gives priority to the struggles impacting the most vulnerable workers in our community: low-wage workers, immigrants, people of color, women, youth and seniors. We are committed to creating an organization that is fully inclusive and welcoming to everyone.
What We Do
DC Jobs with Justice leads strategic and creative campaigns to win meaningful economic justice for residents and families in DC. We harness the combined power of our broad-based coalition to coordinate various projects and campaigns that educate our communities, build support for working family issues, and hold our corporations and elected officials accountable.
We also mobilize support for worker and community struggles at rallies, on picket lines, in educational settings and at meetings and hearings. DC Jobs with Justice believes that direct action is an important aspect in support of these campaigns.
Join Our Coalition
Washington, DC-based membership organizations that support the basic principles of DC Jobs with Justice are eligible to affiliate with our coalition. These organizations agree to encourage their members to sign the Jobs with Justice pledge to support someone else’s struggles, participate in the shared governance and leadership of our coalition, mobilize their members to support DC Jobs with Justice actions, and pay an annual membership fee.
DC Jobs with Justice is based on a one organization, one vote model. Each organizational member of DC Jobs with Justice has one seat on our steering committee. Steering committee members have one vote each, regardless of their membership contribution or size. The steering committee elects members to represent each of DC Jobs with Justice’s constituency areas: labor, community, faith, and student/youth organizations. For more information about joining our membership please reach out to Sequnely Gray, Community Organizer, at sequnely@dcjwj.org.
DC Jobs with Justice is an independent coalition member of Jobs with Justice, a national network of local coalitions that bring together labor unions, faith groups, community organizations, and student activists to fight for working people.
DC Jobs with Justice is a member of Interfaith Worker Justice, a national nonprofit organization that advances the rights of working people by unifying diverse faith communities into action through shared principles, such as justice, dignity and respect.
Jobs with Justice
Support Us
Our Team

Elizabeth Falcon
Executive Director

Damiana Dendy
Housing Organizer

Josh Schmidt

Chanelle Simms

Eduarda Serafim
Solidarity Organizer

Dida El-Sourady
Organizing Director

Alfredo Castro
Labor Organizer

Sequnely Gray
Community Organizer

Alex Samuels
Data Organizer
Executive Committee
Dyana Forester – Co-Chair
Metro Labor Council AFL-CIO
Hilary Klein – Board Member
Jews United for Justice
Mike Wilson – Treasurer
UFCW 400
Keon Shim – Board Member
LiUNA Baltimore-Washington
Sam Epps – Board Member
Anne Strauss – Board Member
National Nurses United
James C. Benton – Board Member
Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor, Georgetown University
Antonia Pena – Board Member
National Domestic Workers Alliance DC Chapter
Jibran Eubanks – Secretary
SEIU 1199
Sam Myszkoiwski – Board Member
Sunrise Movement DC
Helen Abraha – Board Member
Restaurant Opportunities Center – DC
Bread for the City
Casa de Maryland
Change to Win
Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development DC
DC Fiscal Policy Institute DC
DC Vote
Downtown Cluster of Congregations
Dream Activist
Excluded Workers’ Congress
Good Jobs First
Interfaith Worker Justice
Jobs With Justice
Latino Economic Development Corporation
National Day Labor Organizing Network
Sasha Bruce Youthwork
United States Student Association
United Students Against Sweatshops
Member Organizations
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689
American Federation of Government Employees Local 12 (AFGE)
American Federation of Government Employees Local 476 (AFGE)
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 20 (Council 1)
American Federation of Teachers Staff Union
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance APALA DC
Baltimore and Metro DC Building Trades Council
Beloved Community Incubator
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Coalition of Black Trade unionist
Communications Workers of America Local 2108
Communications Workers of America Local 2222
Communications Workers of America Local 2336
DC Democratic Socialist of America, DC DSA
DC Democratic Socialist of America, DC DSA
DC Federation of Musicians Local 161.710
DC for Democracy
DC National Lawyers Guild
Empower DC
Fair Budget Coalition
Green America workers Members
GU Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor
GU Solidarity Committee/YDSA GU
GW Roosevelt Institute
Industrial Workers of the World, IWW
Ironworkers Local 5
Jews United for Justice
Keystone Mountain Lake Regional Council of Carpenters, KML Carpenters
LiUNA Mid-Atlantic
Many Languages One Voice, MLOV
Metro Washington Council AFL CIO 888
Mid-Atlantic Pipe Trades Association
National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Nurses United
National Writers Union
National Writers Union
National Writers Union
Newspaper Guild
No Slide Zone
Nonprofit Professional Employees Union, NPEU/IFPTE Local 70
Organizing Neighborhood Equity, One DC
Pennsylvania Ave Baptist Church
People for Fairness Coalition
Plymouth UCC
Positive Force DC
Restaurant Opportunities Center, ROC-DC
Service Employees International Union Local 1199
Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ
Service Employees International Union Local 500
Sheet Metal Workers Local 100
Sincere 7
Teamsters Local 639
Teamsters Local 730
Teamsters Local 922
The Committee of Interns and Residents, CIR Service Employees International Unions, SEIU
The Reentry Network of Returning Citizens
Trabajadores Unidos De Washington DC
Unite Here Local 23
Unite Here Local 25
United Food and Commercial Workers, UFCW Local 400
Washington Lawyers Committee
Washington Mailers Union
Washington Teachers Union Local 6